Thursday, 29 November 2012

Goat's Cheese and Prosciutto Spaghetti

A few years ago my cousin came to stay with us for an extended visit.  I was very excited for her to experience life in another country and share my love of travel to hopefully spark the same in her (it actually worked on her sister who also visited and she's been back to Europe several times since).  While she was here, she made dinner for us a few times.  I love to cook but I also love being cooked for - something about enjoying a glass of wine while someone else slaves over a hot stove just makes everything taste that much better.  This dish is amazing no matter who makes it!  It's that easy.  My cousin re-created the same spaghetti that she had had in a lovely Italian restaurant called Ambrosia's which I was able to try when I visited Canada a few summer's ago- and she had got it pretty well on the money!

I'm not sure if I make it just like she had that day but this is my take.  I put the pasta on to boil and while that's going I saute some onions and red and green peppers (all sliced lengthwise) in some olive oil and then add a few cloves of crushed garlic.  Using scissors, I cut up the prosciutto (parma ham) and add to the pan of peppers.  Once the pasta is ready, I drain it and toss it in with the peppers and add more olive oil to coat.  Next, I add in some fresh spinach and once it has wilted slightly, plate up.  I crumble goat's cheese on top et voilà!  A beautiful, easy pasta dish ready in minutes and pretty much how they describe it on the menu!

What is your favourite restaurant dish?  Have you tried to re-create it or will only the restaurant version do?  Guess what I had for dinner last night?  Yep- pasta, ah-gain!  I'll spare you for now as I think I've shared enough about pasta this week.


  1. Yay! I'm that cousin! Hahaha (: glad you liked it so much! :)

    1. I'm so happy you introduced us to it! We have it at least twice a month!

